Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How to Right Click on a Chromebook

Touchpad tips (Chromebooks)

If you're using a Chromebook, use the touchpad to move the pointer and select items on the screen. Here are some gestures and actions supported by the touchpad:
move cursorMove the pointer: Simply move your finger across the touchpad.
clickClick: Just press down on the lower half of the touchpad. Since tap-to-click is enabled by default, you can quickly tap the touchpad to click.
right-clickRight-click: Click the touchpad with two fingers.
scrollScroll: Place two fingers on the touchpad and move them up and down to scroll vertically, left and right to scroll horizontally.

If you have Australian scrolling (previously called "simple scrolling") enabled, move two fingers up to scroll down. (It works in the same way as say, your smartphone or tablet.)
dragDrag and drop: Click the item you want to move with one finger. With a second finger, move the item. Release both fingers to drop the item at its new location.

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