Monday, February 4, 2013

Aspen Posting Grades Instructions

I did not write the piece below. I pasted this from our shared resources. 

If you use Aspen to grade items, you would have to click gradebook, then scores on the right hand side of your screen. After that, pick Post Columns - (either term or progress) 

Then follow the directions below. Good luck!   

4.  To drive in your average from your gradebook into the grade column, perform the following actions:
    • Go to the Options tab
    • Select “Update Post Columns”
    • A pop-up will appear.  Select Q1 and Progress grades Term.  Then hit “Next” at the bottom of the pop-up window

5.  The next screen will be titled “Update Post Columns: Choose Update Values” (all of your assignments should then appear in the list when you click on it), select the first choice “Average Q1”, then hit “Next”

[MICHAEL - THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE POPS UP THERE: Note: this operation will not update manually adjusted (  ) scores.

ANSWER- It is when you manually put in grades (such as making a 79 a B- instead of an C+), performing this action will override any manually inputted grades

6.  On the next screen- “Update Post Columns: Confirmation”, select Finish.  Your grade column of “ProgTerm_Q1_GRD” should now contain the Q1 average to date.

7.  Please note, you can also manually put in a score for each student if you so wish.


Step 1- Put the cursor into the one of the cells for comments.
Step 2- Press “Control L” and a Pop-up list of Comments will appear
Step 2- Go to “Options” and select “Look up”

IMPORTANT- Once upload is completed you cannot not undo without significant work.  Please make sure everything is as it should be before proceeding with this step.  DO NOT UPLOAD UNTIL BOTH GRADES AND COMMENTS HAVE BEEN ENTERED AND FINALIZED. [YOUR WORK PRIOR TO THIS STEP WILL STILL BE SAVED, SO YOU CAN ENTER SOME COMMENTS AND THEN SIGN IN AT A LATER TIME TO FINISH.]

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